Car accidents are generally pretty horrible experiences, even if there is barely any damage. And we all react in different ways when it comes to experiencing something traumatic.

In addition to the mental trauma and emotional confusion, vehicle accidents will sometimes cause physical damage and it is often hard to notice when there are so many other distractions. Serious physical issues may not even present themselves for several days. Chiropractic care may be a great solution to any harm that might have been done during the accident.

At OKC Spine and Injury Relief Center in Oklahoma, our chiropractors can help you relieve pain and help you improve your quality of life by treating injuries brought upon by car accidents. If you have been injured in a car accident, it important to be aware of the many common symptoms that can appear several days later. They can be clear signs you need to get yourself checked.

1. Headaches: Tend to develop several days after a car accident. They can also be a sign of a potentially serious problem, including a blood clot on the brain, injury to the neck or head, or even a severe concussion.

2. Neck or shoulder pain/stiffness: One of the most common signs of a whiplash injury and a common delayed symptom injury associated with accidents. According to, whiplash injuries generally occur as the result of rear-end vehicle collisions. They can be serious and may require x-rays, CT scans or MRIs in order to get a good diagnosis.

3. Back pain: Usually appears after an accident and could be caused by an injury to the muscles, ligaments or nerves in the back, or in some cases, from damage to the vertebrae.

Oklahoma City Auto Accident Chiropractor

4. Abdominal pain/swelling: Could be signs that indicate internal bleeding. Other symptoms include areas of deep purple bruising, dizziness, and fainting. Unfortunately, internal bleeding could go undiscovered for hours or even days. This condition is life-threatening and needs to be immediately diagnosed and treated.

5. Numbness: This could be another indication of a whiplash injury. The numbness comes from damage to the neck or spinal column.

6. Personality or physical function changes: This could be a sign of a traumatic brain injury, generally resulting from a concussion. Keep an eye out for impaired thinking or memory, movement, problems with vision or hearing, or personality changes or depression. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that car crashes are one of the leading causes of traumatic brain injuries.

7. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Common after a vehicle accident, victims of this disorder may suffer from vivid and disturbing memories of the event and nightmares. Victims can sometimes feel as if the accident is recurring and children are especially susceptible.

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Visit A chiropractor as soon as you can after an accidentThe best thing you can do after being in a car accident is to seek immediate medical attention. If you are experiencing these or any other symptoms days after the accident, seeing a chiropractor is a great idea, not only to treat potential lingering problems but to bring attention to problems they might not be able to help. This will give you the information and direction you need to get help.

At OKC Spine and Injury Relief Center, we are always adamant about making sure our patients get the best treatment they can for their injuries. Sometimes that means that we aren’t the best option for them. In these cases, we recommend them to an orthopedic MD, neurologist MD, MRI, or pain management MD.

Call OKC Spine and Injury Relief Center in Oklahoma at (405) 400-1050 today and schedule an appointment to begin your treatment.

  Stop Suffering From Auto Accident Injuries.