Oklahoma City Auto Accident Chiropractor

It is very important to seek medical care and treatment as quickly as possible after an auto accident. For many people who have been injured in these accidents, their first instinct is to seek treatment at an ER, where a doctor will generally take X-rays, write some prescriptions for pain medication, and instruct you to see your primary care doctor for any further treatments. These aren’t bad things, especially since your primary doctor will inevitably be able to help you along your healing process when it comes to any broken bones or other major injuries. The point is, even if you think the accident was minor, you should still see a doctor.

Injuries do not always present themselves at first, usually because of the release of adrenaline after the accident can interfere with your usual bodily functions. Though car crash injuries may also not be obvious right after an accident, there is no real connection between how severe an accident was and the possible injuries they can experience. Internal injuries like a traumatic brain injury (TBI) don’t tend to show immediate evidence of injury but instead, appear after some time. This is why it is important to seek proper medical attention. By doing this, you will also be able to get proper documentation for any insurance claims you are planning to file since injuries sustained from an auto accident can become more difficult to prove over time.

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Generally, your primary doctor will recommend a chiropractor if you have sustained any soft tissue injuries. Those who are injured in a minor accident usually don’t even think to see a chiropractor after an accident. However, chiropractic care is one of the best solutions for most people involved in car accidents. You should get medical care from a trusted chiropractor who knows how to specifically work with car accident injuries. A chiropractor, like your primary doctor, can give you an assessment on whether they can help you or if you should seek care from a different type of doctor. If they decide they can help you, a chiropractor will make sure that you recover from your injuries successfully. With the help of a car accident chiropractor, you can prevent any complications from developing in the future.

According to uphelp.org, it’s important to know that if you are injured in an accident, you are entitled to a reasonable amount to cover the cost of your medical bills, your lost wages, and a decent value for the stress you endured. There is no exact formula for calculating this amount, which is why it is important to keep a record to all expenses. A chiropractor who has worked with many car accident victims will know the exact information you should have on hand. When you get treated by a chiropractor, this the simplest way to document any of the underlying injuries you can sustain, which includes your current health status and assessment after your accident. It is also a good idea to take pictures of your visible injuries and record any type of pain you are feeling.

A chiropractor can help you keep a record of any expenses related to your car crash injuries, including medical costs and can also decide whether you are healthy enough to take off work for your recovery. The more documentation from your accident and recovery you have, the more you will be ready when the time comes to report a claim to your car insurance company.

Surgery and drugs are the usual go-to remedies for car accident injury victims, but a chiropractic doctor who specializes in treating accident injuries is a better alternative. Here is a list of 7 Benefits of Seeing Chiropractor After a Car Accident:

  • Broken bones, lacerations, or bruising are easy to spot after a car crash. Injuries, such as whiplash, are not always clear after a motor vehicle accident. If you diagnose whiplash early on, you begin healing before it gets worse. If you had the injury without realizing it could lead to long-term pain and permanent.
  • Often times those involved in auto accidents experience micro-tears in the ligaments and muscles, which are common injuries that x-rays are not going to catch. A chiropractor uses spinal manipulation to realign the spinal cord, which helps your body release anti-inflammatory chemicals, which can help reduce inflammation and pain symptoms throughout the body.
  • The chiropractic adjustments are a non-invasive treatment to realign the spine and joints, which can drastically reduce pain and promote healing without the need for surgery.
  • After getting an injury from an accident, scar tissue can develop on the muscles inside your body. This tissue will usually cause the injured person to feel uneasy and stiff.
  • For those involved in a car accident, taking pain relief drugs seems like the most logical thing to do to make themselves better, but they are a temporary fix. Drugs only mask the symptoms of injury, they don't do any real healing of the damage itself. Chiropractic therapy focuses on the source of the problem and heals the injury, not just temporarily cover up the pain.
  • Even minor car accident injuries can become severe, long-term problems if left untreated. Symptoms of whiplash can linger for years if you don’t seek proper medical care. It can become a chronic condition, leading to not only emotional distress but constant physical pain as well.
  • When you suffer from a neck or back injury in an auto accident, the inflammation that develops can cause more problems because your blood and nutrients are unable to get to the areas they are needed because inflammation slows the healing process. Chiropractic adjustments can restore your range of motion and allows your body to begin healing faster.

Visit A chiropractor as soon as you can after an accident

Visiting a chiropractor after a car accident is the right decision to make for yourself, both physically and financially. You not only receive a pain-relieving treatment that is better for you in general, but you can be less stressed knowing that your medical bills will be paid for if you can prove that your accident was the fault of someone else. At OKC Spine and Injury Relief Center, we have helped hundreds of victims of car crashes heal from their injuries. We are properly trained and have the necessary experience to give you the best chiropractic treatment – which can help you avoid long-term pain and permanent damage. Chiropractic care is a great way to stimulate your body’s natural method of healing. Don’t become a victim to your pain – call us today at (405) 400-1050.

  Stop Suffering From Auto Accident Injuries.